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Not Just a Wine Bar
Cocktail Menu
All of our cocktails are wine-based. This means they are even more delicious than their liquor-based counterparts and without the nasty hangover! Try them all today.

Ginger-Lime Spritz
Wine based vodka, Lime juice, and Ginger Beer

Agave Wine Based mix w/ triple sec and a salted rim

Mojito mix, lime juice, topped w/ Beer in a sugar rimmed glass

Cappeletti Spritz
Our version of an Aperol Spritz

Pink Whitney
Pink Lemonade, Vodka, Cranberry
Juice, and Triple Sec garnished
w/ a lemon wedge

Mint Lime Mojito
Mint Lime Mojito mixture, seltzer water, w/ a sugared rim and garnished with mint leaves
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